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Pope Francis Interview with Norah O’Donnell Airs on CBS News’ ‘60 Minutes’

Is God All Things? Are All Things Really One?
Christopher Kaczor
You may have heard of the idea that “we are all God” or “God is you, me, the tree, the rock, and all existence” or that “all is one.” This view that all reality is one, that the distinctions between things are mere illusions, is sometimes called “monism.” In the East, the Hindu philosopher Shankara represents this view. In the West, the Greek philosopher Parmenides holds that reality is one unchanging Being...

Of Shopping Carts and Service: A Pinning Reflection...
Rick Becker
Welcome honored guests, friends and family (moms and dads particularly), and, of course, you – Saint Mary’s College class of 2024 nursing graduates. Congratulations! You made it! Before I get rolling, a quick shout out to Torie Hardt’s mom. Thanks for teaching your kids to put away stray shopping carts in the grocery store parking lot. Hearing that from Torie last week was just the affirmation I needed as I prepared this address.

The Martyrs of Burrishoole, killed during the Cromwellian invasion of Ireland...

Lexington Bishop John Stowe allows local woman to stage ‘coming out’ as male-appearing diocesan hermit...

Dale Ahlquist: Coming Home to the Catholic Social Teaching...

Be prepared for another ‘long hot summer’...
Phil Lawler
Do you remember the “long hot summer” of 1967, when racial violence broke out in the inner cities all across the US? Then the following year there melees in the streets of Chicago when the Democratic Party held its national convention there. One more year brought waves of campus unrest, with student agitators shutting down classes to protest the war in Vietnam.

Pope Francis on Pentecost: We Are Not Alone, but Helped and Empowered by the Holy Spirit...

Pope Francis Appoints Cardinal Tagle as Special Envoy to National Eucharistic Congress...

Vatican’s new norms will make it easier to decide on Medjugorje, says Cardinal Fernández ...

In 60 Minutes interview, Pope Francis says his ‘conservative critics’ are ‘closed up inside a dogmatic box’ with a ‘suicidal attitude’...

Full Text: Harrison Butker’s Commencement Address at Benedictine College...

Changing How Our Children Do Dating...
John Cuddeback
How our young people date is problematic; and I’m not talking about the mainstream habits of a ‘hookup culture.’ I mean young people from families with traditional values, where preparing for marriage and waiting for marriage are implicit, accepted goods. It is not surprising that we have a problem...

Which ‘spirituality’ is for you? Here’s a good place to start...
Jeff Mirus
One of the confusing things about spiritual growth is how to figure out exactly what particular approaches or procedures we ought to follow to foster that growth. We may come across various particular devotions or spiritual exercises, some of which may...

The Carrington Lights, the News, and Kendrick the Intercessor?
J.D. Flynn
I hope a lot of you enjoyed seeing the aurora borealis over the weekend, if the phenomenon could be seen where you live. Here in Colorado, we’ve had a lot of cloud cover for the past few nights, and despite the solar storm that put them in reach for much of the country, the Northern Lights were never going to be especially visible from here anyhow.

What did St. Athanasius mean when he said, ‘God became man so that man might become God?’...
Matthew Tsakanikas
Athanasius is the one who almost single-handedly saved Christianity from abandoning the Apostolic understanding of the Trinity when Arius tried to sway bishops away from following the Council of Nicaea. The Athanasian kerygma (key proclamation of the Gospel) is a powerful statement that restores the real mystery of Christianity, a mystery that must be lived to be understood. But can he be trusted on this topic of divinization?

Pro-Life Activist Lauren Handy Sentenced to 57 Months in Federal Prison Under FACE Act...

A Lesson in Kenosis from the Solar Eclipse...

Here are 16 questions ‘60 Minutes’ should have asked Pope Francis...
George Weigel
Whatever else it managed to accomplish, Norah O’Donnell’s 60 Minutes interview with Pope Francis, aired on May 19, obliterated that much-lauded program’s reputation for hard-hitting investigative journalism. The questions posed touched on none of the crucial issues raised by the pontificate over the past eleven years, even as they reinforced any number of mainstream media caricatures of the pope, his teaching, and his mode of governance.

IVF in no way detracts from the precious dignity of persons created through it. So why is IVF wrong? Here are the reasons...

Mentors and Apprentices in Catholic Ministry...
Marcel LeJeune
For many years we have had the same plumber (George). He is no longer a young man and we have had several conversations through the years about the lack of young plumbers (and young people taking on other trades). In one visit to our house, George had a new apprentice, who had recently graduated from High School. I told George that I was happy to see he had a new apprentice, but he responded by saying that the chances of him sticking around are slim...

How to dominate your friends and family in Monopoly, Tic-Tac-Toe, Settlers of Catan and Scrabble...

Even in the city and suburbs, we can learn the liturgy of the land...
R. Jared Staudt
We shook on it. After too many moves, my wife and I committed to move once more into a small cabin on the land. After years of false starts, it finally happened, as I wrote back in January. More than any of the practical things we hope to do, it was a move for our family, seeking to root ourselves in a rhythm of daily prayer and work. We were seeking a liturgy of life rooted in the land’s own ordering to God.

Criticize Harrison Butker all you want. Homemaking is back...
Carrie Gress
Harrison Butker touched a live wire in his recent commencement address at Benedictine College. The place kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs violated one of the strongest taboos in America. He used the H-word: homemaking. During the May 11 speech, Butker said he wanted to speak directly to the women “who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.”

La Leche League goes woke and embraces ‘chestfeeding’...
Terry Mattingly
Is having children “liberal” or “conservative”? Obviously, that question is way too simplistic for the complicated age in which we live, so let’s be more specific. OK, is it “conservative” for a husband and wife to have, oh, four or more children? If you have followed birth-rate trends in American culture in recent decades, you would have to say this choice is “conservative” and almost certainly “faith-based.”

Synod boss Cardinal Hollerich claims infallible Church teaching “can be changed” but it has to be done “one step at a time”...
Ed Condon
The relator-general of the global synod on synodality, Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich, backed this week the incremental and “tactful” progress towards the ordination of women to the priesthood. The cardinal, who is also Archbishop of Luxembourg, was appointed by Pope Francis to oversee the collection and synthesis of discussion and responses during the multi-year synodal process, due to reconvene in Rome in October.

What You Need to Know About the New Vatican Norms on Marian Apparitions and Supernatural Phenomena...
Jimmy Akin
On Friday, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) released a document titled Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena. Accompanying the document was a note by Cardinal Victor Fernández — the head of the DDF — introducing it and explaining the reasons why it was written. This document revised, replaced and expanded a previous document...

Vatican Issues New Norms for Investigating Apparitions, Supernatural Phenomena; Tightens Procedures and Introduces 6 New Possible Conclusions ...

May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen our personal Pentecost to speak and live well in Jesus’ name...

Servant of God Chiara Corbella’s Beatification Cause to Take a Step Forward in June...

‘Be grateful’ might sound like an overblown slogan. But it’s a simple truth: Gratitude leads to joy...

The appointment of Venerable Jérôme Lejeune was one of John Paul II’s signature moves...

‘Never Be Afraid to Profess the Catholic Church’: KC Chiefs’ Harrison Butker Triggers Media Frenzy with Benedictine College Speech...

Germany Now a ‘Mission Country,’ Bishop Bätzing Says Amid Declining Catholic Numbers...

‘Be unapologetic in your masculinity,’ Super Bowl winning kicker Harrison Butker tells Benedictine College male students...

Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


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